Egyptology Talks
Take a look at the list of Egyptology lectures that I currently have available. More information on each of the lectures can be found below. Do contact me if you want to discuss any of the lectures.
Currently available Egyptology lectures:
- Amarna & the Princess
- Ramesses II in the North West
- From Small Seeds
- Threads Through Time
- Annie's Trip to Egypt
Amarna & the Princess

This talk tells the story of the discovery of Amarna in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including some of the incredible objects that were found. It then explores the 20th century obsessions with ancient Egypt, and Amarna, that eventually led to one of the world’s infamous and ‘best’ forgeries.
- 1hr 15mins to 1hr 30mins
- Zoom available
- No Recording
- Fully Illustrated Lecture
Ramesses II in the North West

The story of the reign of Ramesses II, the Great, as told through the many objects in museum collections across the North of England, particularly in the North West.
- 1hr
- Zoom available
- No Recording
- Fully Illustrated Lecture
Threads Through Time

Textiles were incredibly important in ancient Egypt, not just practically but within the ancient Egyptian belief system. They were integral to engaging properly with the gods, and to achieve the perfect afterlife. This talk explores how textiles are interwoven through Egyptian life and throughout pharaonic Egypt.
- 1hr 15mins to 1hr 30mins
- Zoom available
- No Recording
- Fully Illustrated Lecture
Annie's Trip to Egypt

Exotic travel was a Victorian gentleman’s pasttime, but what about women? This lecture follows the journey of one young Victorian woman from Bolton, Miss Annie Barlow, as she journey’s through Egypt, in the 1880s, in her own words. It travels with her and illustrates the sites she explores using plans and objects excavated by the Egypt Exploration Society.
- 1hr
- Zoom available
- No Recording
- Fully Illustrated Lecture
From Small Seeds

This lecture sets out the development of Bolton’s Egyptology collections from the perspective of its main benefactor, Miss Annie Barlow. It follows her passion for ancient Egypt, in particular its textiles, and how this is intertwined with her own life. It rounds off with her legacy, not just for Bolton and its collections, but for the discipline of Egyptology as a whole.
- 1hr
- Zoom available
- No Recording
- Fully Illustrated Lecture
Book me for a talk...
If you don’t see a topic that suits you do get in touch and we can discuss the potential of something specific.
It is possible to adjust any of the talks to suit, just let me know what you are looking for.
All talks are subject to a speakers and transport fees, which i’m happy to discuss on an individual basis.